June 14th - 16th 2024 - A weekend camp in Chesham
Connecting with our Sensual Selves through Movement, Intimacy, Presence, Saunas and Camping in Nature!
Welcome to our second year of this special journey through movement and connections with intimacy! - Connecting with our Sensual Selves through Movement, Intimacy, Presence, Saunas and Camping in Nature!
Brought to you by the Organisers of Rumble and Moving Connections! Tickets are ON SALE Now!
Welcome to this unique and heartfelt offering inviting us to spend a full weekend together, exploring and unravelling our layers through movement, sharing, ritual and tenderness, so that we can blossom and bathe in a sensual bath of delight, knowing there is always a sanctuary, always space for tears, for silence, for love and for pain also.
There'll be a spacious yet full programme of activities offered with choice and the freedom to explore through various connecting practices including Moving Connections, Embodied Presence, Sharing Circles, Cuddle and Consent workshops PLUS some delicious opportunities to delve into our more sensual selves through our special Saturday evening Temple Ritual and various Intimate offerings in our Snug space also.
There'll be plenty of Support and Reflection time plus all the fun of camping, dancing, yummy food, Tim's incredible Hello Sunshine Sauna and of course, each other..
Our Full Programme will be available soon
We also have available some docs we'd love you to read, to support us over the weekend:
Our Self Care Guide - An opportunity to tune in to your personal journey
Our Ways to say no and stay connected - Some inspirations for saying no in a thoughtful way
Our Moving with Intimacy Camp Facilitators (more to come too)

Gayatri Beegan
Ritual of Release & Renewal and Our Temple Night Opening
What if the capacity to expand into love, joy and ecstasy is only as deep and wide as the capacity to meet the pain, anger and sadness of existence?
Supported by the twin pillars of community and ceremony, this is a space to compost the debris of life and challenging feelings that might hamper being fully present and connected to yourself and others. To see what can flourish from the fertile soil of rightfully expressed feeling. It’s a “shower for the Soul”.
Gayatri is known as an Erotic Mystic * Sacred Initiatrix * Pleasure Activist
Gayatri works and dwells in the intersection between sacred sexuality, spiritual devotion, and Earth activism. Since 2012 she has been a guide for hundreds of people to discover the aliveness of their being through conscious touch and sensual awakening. Known for her refreshingly natural and joyful approach, Gayatri is a full earth-bound goddess. Central to her work is grounding in safety, cultivating sensitivity, and embodying the Sacred.
Deeply moved by the current state of the world, Gayatri offers spaces of community and ceremony to process our collective pain in life-affirming and enlivening ways.​

Kali Satyagraha
BlissDance - A Tantric Movement Practice of Awakening!
Kali will be offering her movement BlissDance practice, creating capacity for conscious connection & intimacy - 'Embody Your Desire & Follow Your Bliss'!
Kali loves to create a safe, sacred space for dancers to develop their capacity for conscious, authentic, intimate connections with Self, Others and All Our Relations. Beginning with a deep connection to Self, and then expanding our relational awareness and energy outwards to include others - in pairs as well as in small groups.

Eshana Spiers
Sacred Snuggles
Eshana's calling in life is to support people to embrace the natural beauty and power of their sexuality in a safe and loving way. Welcoming and nourishing the different aspects of our inner world so that we can return to our innate wholeness.
Eshana is a trauma informed Psychosexual Somatics Coach, Menstrual Educator and Relationships and Sexual Educator for young people and yes….a Cuddle Queen.
Sacred Snuggles are an offering to meet the sacred in ourselves and in each other, connecting with our hearts and the innocence of our sensuality. This lightly structured space will support your nervous system to settle and integrate the day’s experiences, welcoming stillness, welcoming sensuality, welcoming you as you are.

Julia Samel
Moving Connections
Through her own creation of the movement practice of "Moving Connections", Julia invites us to move and be moved, to relax into our bodies and to explore physical connections and all that arises as we meet without words, in a light and embodied way.
Julia offers a safe and gentle space for us to explore connecting with care and respect for each other, and most importantly with the choice and freedom to choose how and when we are in contact with others and when we feel to be alone.

Emma Buggy
Meeting in Intimacy
Emma is a Relationship coach and facilitator of Compassionate and Authentic Relating (aka Nonviolent Communication). She loves to bring people together and create warm and sensual connections between humans by inviting awareness, presence, curiosity, vulnerability, honesty and play into human relating. Her work invites you to dive into a space of deep listening and honest reflection with yourself and others, cultivating awareness and finding your own language of curiosity that supports you to speak your heart’s and body's desires, needs and vulnerabilities.
Emma facilitates workshops in Nonviolent Communication as a way of building a community of humans who embody a language of life that supports compassion and authenticity to flow between them. She also supports individuals and couples to explore relationship dynamics, inner child work, body empathy and needs based coaching as ways to find clarity and awareness of where we get stuck, so that living from the heart becomes more tangible.
Her workshop will explore coming into intimate connection with yourself before opening up to others and exploring connection, desire and the energy of eros together. Emma will guide you through a series of exercises to support you in noticing your body's desires and reactions to connecting sensually and playfully with yourself and others.

Anahata Grant
Ecstatic Dance Facilitator and DJ
Grant plays music from the heart, with lots of highs and lots of lows also. He creates a sound journey thats takes people on an emotional roller coaster ride, bringing in lots of the Devine Feminine and the Devine Masculine with plenty of room for release.

Will Street
Live Violin and Support
Will's gently alluring violin is happy jamming along with almost any style and feeling of sound, and will be on hand to awaken our senses to its call...
Will has performed with artists ranging from Shirley Horn to Steven Tyler, and is happiest when able to inspire others through his passion for music.
Our Moving Connections session will feature a carefully curated soundtrack to lift and entice our senses, with Will's live violin impressions inviting us to explore new realms of wonder..

David Basak
Contact Improvisation
In these workshops, David will delve into the fundamental principles of Contact Improvisation, guiding participants to explore and enhance the ways in which our bodies engage in both movement and stillness. Together, cultivating the art of attentive listening, fluid responsiveness, and harmonious connection. Through an exploration of the physics underlying touch and movement, we will uncover the intricate dance that emerges from the depths of our beings and the spaces between us.

Roy Graff
Conscious Play Fighting
Roy first discovered play fighting at a burning man regional event in Europe in 2018. After attending several workshops, he recognised the potential of this practice to help people become more embodied, learning about their own boundaries and improve their non-verbal communication and empathy to others. The range of expressions people create in play fighting is truly incredible and extremely imaginative. Roy’s further training in Psychotherapy, Radical Honesty, Non-Violent Communication and Wheel of Consent all serve to inform the way he constructs the practices and flow of the workshops.
In this workshop, we will be start by warming up our bodies with movement and contact practices. We will then talk about safety, demonstrate techniques and explore boundaries and consent in a nonverbal way. We will then have the opportunity to challenge another being for a play fight in the circle. Play fights can be competitive, silly, flowy, soft and imaginative. You get to decide which energy you'd like to bring into the circle.

Bela Emerson
Live Cello
Bela is an innovative and resourceful musician: an improvising cellist who is equally at home on a concert hall stage, round a bonfire, leading a community string band, at a hospital bedside, in a recording studio, at the feet of a trapeze artist, and most things in between.
Her skill and experience in bringing people of all abilities together to make sound and music has led to highly rewarding work with a huge range of people, including people living with dementia, refugees, for mental health, children in hospital, older people in the community.
This highly-skilled and sensitive work has been informed by years of performing and improvising: common to both is active listening, responding, and contributing to whatever is happening in the moment, committing to the process and cherishing the experience.

Pete & Kalindi
Breath and Bodywork
Pete and Kalindi have been together since January 2008, when life drew them together in India. They instantly opened to each other, sharing, pooling and synergising our talents and gifts. Together they continue to create wonderful internal and external adventures – not all are comfortable but are always worth it.
Their way is to always open to love, to celebrate each other following their passion and to encourage and support each other to meet those parts that sometimes shadow their love.
Together they are consciously living in love and share workshops, retreats and on-line programs in sacred sexuality, tantra, sexual healing, conscious touch and conscious communication.