Brazilian Forró
Brazilian Forró is Julia's specialist dance style.
She fell in love with Forró in 2001 whilst studying Capoeira in London. She danced her way around Brazil and eventually set up a Forró night in Manchester where she was living at the time.
She has trained with a number of teachers in Brazil, the UK and at many workshops across Europe, studying this simple yet infinitely creative partner dance from both the follower and leader's perspectives.
As well as building one of the biggest Forró nights in London, Julia has taught at various festivals and events including Beatherder, Buddhafields, Osho Leela, Cambridge University and more.
Julia's lessons are light and fun, starting with the basic rhythms and steps, and moving onto more complex movements to get a real feel for this beautiful dance from the Northeast of Brazil. She dedicates herself to ensuring everyone feels welcome and finds their way to enjoy the dance!

The steps begin in a simple way that everyone can get to grips with! "It's a little like walking - we can always step from one foot to the other - it's that simple"

The essence of forró is about the connection between the dancers. Julia brings our attention to this sense of connection in many ways.
Where to find Julia's Forró classes:
Forró Family in London - Julia's regular weekly London forró night. We recently celebrated 10 years of Forró Family!
Forró Family in Brighton - Our sister group in Brighton has been growing strong for over 3 years and runs regular classes every Monday.
Julia also runs 2 annual Forró festivals, Chamego in Brighton in May and Forró Fest UK, just north of London, in August. These festivals bring musicians, teachers and dancers together from all corners of the world and have become one of the highlights in the forrózeiros calendar!